Sunday, June 24, 2012


I have had my eye on this tv for a while now. But based on the reviews I was really very hesitant to purchase it. All of the complaints about the weird, loud buzzing noise really was of great concern for me. As well as the other complaints I have been reading. We still decided to take a chance and purchase the tv. At least we were well aware of what possible issues the tv could have. And worst case scenario we would just have returned the tv. Now, we just have had the tv for a few days now. If at anytime, something crazy goes on I will be sure to edit my review.

As for right now though.. after a couple of days of watching this tv and such, we have NO complaints. Except that the remote is a bit awkward. But that is not even a real complaint for us. We hear no buzzing noise at all.. We have played the tv for hours on end, then turned it off and still no buzzing sound do we hear. Which is a great relief for us because that was our biggest concern! It's just weird that some people experience this buzzing noise and some don't. Maybe different batches of the tv that was manufactured have this defect and some don't?

The tv was easy to set up.. Netflix works wonderfully on it! So does Amazon Instant Video on Demand. I haven't tried to other internet apps yet.. So can't speak for them.. But Netflix and Amazon Instant Video on Demand are the main apps we especially bought the tv for! I don't care too much about the other apps. But I will try them out soon just to see how they function and if they are functioning properly. TV has a clear picture, great sound.. Like we really have no complaints at all and nothing strange is going on with our tv at all..

But again, if anything changes I will be sure to edit my review... But for us, personally, we are very glad we decided to take a chance and buy this TV.. It's an awesome tv at a great price! Well worth the purchase!! 

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